
vendredi 20 juillet 2012

90% of online traffic in 2013 will be... (Part 2 of 2)

Yesterday, I gave you some eye-opening stats about online
traffic on 2013.

More specifically, that VIDEO is going to drive 90% of all traffic


There's a good chance you've already dabbled with online videos.

But, it's not as easy as creating an animated PowerPoint and
uploading it to YouTube.

Shooting the video is the easy part.

The real 'magic' is what you do after that...

That's why today I'm going to show you how to "borrow" some
intelligence from videos that are already dominating YouTube (and
often Google too).

Sidenote: This one email has ballooned into a mini-course, so you
might wanna get a pen and paper handy.

To create videos, you can use free screen capture tools like Jing or old
versions of Camtasia that you can find for free online.

So, let's now waste time going through those basics.

Let's dive right into the good stuff, shall we?

One quick tip about your video... you must, must, MUST
include a call to action at the end of your video.

Here's how you do it...

Leave 10-15 seconds of dead air time and get the viewer to
visit your website, give them a free gift, another link to click
for another free video, etc.

If you miss this part, you might as well not even bother creating
a video!

Next step, upload your vid to YouTube.

Takes 5 minutes.

Let's talk real quick about your title, description and tags.

All *very* important.

With your title... don't make it too long. Also, try and use
your target keyword within the beginning of your title.

Example (bad):

The top exercises for stretching and relaxing using yoga

Example (good):

Yoga exercises to help you burn fat

About your video description... If your vid is on YouTube it's
going to get scraped and re-published on lots of other

Don't worry, that's a *good* thing.

As your video is scraped, your description is often grabbed
as well.

===> Bonus!

That's why you need to sneak in your URL *twice* within your
description -- once at the beginning and again at the end.

This way, you'll have even more backlinks pointing to your
website from all those sites that published your video.

Cool, eh?

Your YouTube video needs some backlink love too... I'll get to
that in a bit.

Tags are also an important part to boost your video views.

What tags should you use... how many should you use?

Why re-invent the wheel?

Just borrow the tags from the top two YouTube videos in your

Because you *know* those tags are working real well for
them, right?

Ok. So far we've got...

* Video (check)
* Include call to action (check)
* Upload to YouTube (check)
* A good title, description, tags (check x 3)
* Traffic/views (uhhhh... no)

Now that all the technical stuff is out of the way, it's time
to turn on the video traffic tap.

What do most people do?

A. Nothing. Wait for the traffic to just show up (never does)

B. Message other people's YouTube channel subscribers trying to
find new subscribers.

A & B are just bad ideas altogether.

The solution?

Your YouTube video needs two things to really rock...

1. Distribution & syndication
2. Backlinks

(... and here is where 99.9% of people completely DROP
the ball. Yes, including you).

Well, let me back up a step. If your video is just really, really
bad... your results won't be great, no matter what you do.

So, I'm assuming your vid is at least half-decent.

If you look at the top videos in any category on YouTube,
they all have one thing in common.

Yes, a lot of views.

But, many of those views do *not* happen on

What I mean is... many people view videos on websites
OUTSIDE of YouTube.

And that's where the magic of distribution & syndication
really kicks in.

PLUS, all those websites are also linking back to your
video on

Think of it like this... your video on YouTube is the hub and
all the 'spokes' pointing back to it are dozens, hundreds or
THOUSANDS of other websites.

If your video is a balloon, think of backlinks as the air that
lifts your video up to the top.

When you've got thousands of other websites displaying your
video and linking back to your video on YouTube, amazing things
start to happen.

For starters... LOADS of high-quality, free traffic!

You might be thinking... isn't getting too many backlinks to my
video a bad thing? Won't I get penalized or slapped by Google?
AHA! I'm glad you asked...

There is actually no "slap" for YouTube videos.

Google won't slap their own child (YouTube).

I've tested this plenty too. ;-)

So, you do not need to be worry about getting too many links or
where those links are coming from.

How do you get dozens (or hundreds) of other sites to publish
your YouTube video and also give you a backlink?

You can search for and contact other websites and blogs in
your niche.

Or use sites like Squidoo and HubPages to create free pages
that link back to your YouTube video.

Or you can create a few websites and make a little network of sites
that link to your YouTube video page.

This is the exact formula that I use to get GREAT results with
my YouTube videos.

It works. Try it out and you'll see.

I hope you found this tutorial helpful.

The only thing I do differently today, is that I tap into this syndication
to get mass distribution (and backlinks) for my YouTube videos.

This gives me a big advantage when competing against other
videos all fighting for top spots (and views) on YouTube.

This isn't a third-party service that I use. I actually created it a few
years ago.

If you'd like to take a peak at it, to see what it's all about... I
just re-opened the doors after many months of being closed.

You can go here to get more details. This is not mandatory, but if
want an easier and faster way to get traffic with your online videos
(and article content too), this definitely works.

Talk to you soon & thank you for reading. :-)

Now go make some videos!

Jason Potash & Jason Katzenback

Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027

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