
jeudi 21 juillet 2011

Traffic con artist ALERT! (see screenshot)

After seeing this scam I'm about to show
you, it really pissed me off!

Here's the dirty little scandal that
*nobody* is telling you about.

If you've browsed any Internet Marketing
forum lately or checked your email, you
already know this...

DOZENS of services claim to help you
"dominate" the search engines and get you
loads of free traffic.

Sure, the promise sounds great and all.

The price? Pretty reasonable.

BUT... have you ever wondered *how* these
services are getting traffic for you?

Let me tell you.

These guys are getting you HORRIBLE
backlinks from crappy websites just like
this one (screenshot):

Here's another one:

Yes, those are actual blogs that gave
me backlinks through a service (which I
won't name here) that charges $47/month.

(...$46.95 overpriced in my opinion)

Once you dig a little deeper, here's
what's going on behind the scenes.

The content?

Scraped from and
run through some over-automated
auto-rewriter script.

The content is ATROCIOUS!

It's criminal to charge someone even
a nickle for this.

Google wouldn't touch that site
with a 10-foot pole!

But, sadly MANY services follow this
exact same formula.

Crappy blogs, even crappier content.

Awful quality backlinks

... and you pay for results, but
get NONE.

Now, the reason I mention all
this is because I know that it's
often difficult to tell what's
real versus what's a hoax online.

You walk into a restaurant and
you pretty much know within 5
seconds if you want to eat there,

Not the case online.

Fancy website, but the product
is total hoax.

By now, you should already know
that I run a TOP quality traffic
and link getting service called
Traffic Kaboom.

Let me tell you, this is NOT a
crappy site network like those
example sites I just showed you.

Traffic Kaboom is all about quality
sites and quality content -- all
of which is human-moderated to
keep the garbage (and spammers)

Are 100% of the sites within
Traffic Kaboom "perfect"?

No. Sometimes we miss a few, but our
member's report them within a
few days.

You *won't* find a better quality
service anywhere... and the results
my customers are getting are
fantastic as you will see here:

I'm laying my cards on the table
here because I have nothing to hide.

All I am asking is for you to
take a look at Traffic Kaboom.

Give it a go for 60-days (risk-free)
and see what kind of targeted
traffic T-Kaboom generates for you.

You can get all the details
on this page:

Talk soon,

Jason Potash

P.S. - Even if you hold off on joining
Traffic Kaboom today... Hopefully,
this email was a wake up call and
prevented you from getting bamboozled
by one of those other traffic-getting

It's about time that someone exposed
the truth and told you what's
really going on. Now you know.

Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027

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