
mardi 17 juillet 2012

Killer Traffic Tip Revealed (good info here)

Hey Twitteruser,

If you are struggling to figure out how to get
traffic with all this Google crap going on, and
feeling so freaking frustrated that you are just
about ready to give up, then I think you will like,
I mean LOVE this email.

There are no two ways about it, Google is a pain
in the ass, they are constantly changing things
all the time and just when it looks like we have
them figured out... WHAM... they present us with
some cute animal that devours everything.

A good friend of mine, however, a long time ago
told me a secret that is probably one of the most
important pieces of advice I have ever listened to
in regard to website traffic.

This friend is Jerry West, and if you are not
familiar with him, he is, in my opinion, one of
the top, if not "the" top, seo experts in the
world. What he told me back in 2006 was if you
are not getting at least 25% of your traffic from
outside of Google, you are risking everything.

Stop and think about that for one second and
ask yourself if you every really tried to get a
serious amount of traffic from anywhere but

If you focused on only link building, then
chances are, that is you.

You see I have a motto I live by when it comes to
promoting my web properties. That motto is...

"Focus on traffic NOT backlinks"

That might seem really simple but stop for a
moment and think about that too. Yes, you put a
link on a site to get traffic but in doing so are
you really focusing on how to get the most
traffic possible from that link or are you just
thinking about getting the back link.

The problem is every site out there is different.
Some, like the spammed to death bookmarking
scripts, really got zero human traffic and all they
are good for is having a backlink identified by
Google and getting credit for it.

But what about the others?

Over the past three months I have started using
a traffic source, that is absolutely amazing me.
The thing is, I am NOT just posting links to it, I
have learned the ins and outs of this source, and
I am doing whatever I can to squeeze as much
free traffic out of it as possible. The cool thing is
the traffic this site by itself is sending is
incredible, and once you understand how it
works it is so easy!

I have been doing this in a "incognito" way,
basically meaning I created a fake account to
test this in a market I have no influence. The
reason I wanted to do this is I wanted to test this
in a market that I do not already have a list in
and I wanted it to be totally something that I
already do not have an advantage in.

The traffic source I am talking about is, and if you have not heard about
it, well then you better listen up. is absolute huge, is growing like
crazy and the cool thing is it actually sends
traffic, and the search engines love it.

Now for any of you that might be thinking that
this is a flash in the pan... please give your head
a shake.

Let us suppose for one minute that this site does
go the way of twitter. Meaning that it gets really
huge but then people lose interest. Well, my
response to that is, did anyone make huge
amounts of money from Twitter traffic when it
was at its prime?


People that site there and over think these
things, are the ones that get in too late. This is
the PRIME TIME to get in on this ship and take
advantage of it as much as possible.

There is one catch and that is that this site takes
a lot of work to make it effective... but don't
worry because I got you covered (keep reading).

You see, with Pinterest, you need to get
involved; you can't just add an image or video
and think everything is ok. The amazing thing,
however, is with this site, once you figure out
how to get involved the traffic you can get is
nothing short of phenomenal, and you can direct
that traffic ANYWHERE. It can be to an affiliate
site, an amazon product, your blog or anything
else you want.

Now for the really cool part.

I was asked to be part of a beta for a tool and
training system that focuses on using Pinterest,
and thankfully I was in on the very start. Not
only was I in on this but my business partner
Matt Clark also got to be on it and we are both
extremely happy we did.

What this tool does is makes using Pinterest an
absolute breeze and in a fraction of the time you
will have yourself an active authority-level
pinterest account that you will absolutely crush
it with.

I want to be totally upfront and tell you I am not
pulling any crap here, this is a true story and this
system I am about to share with you rocks! In
fact here is what Matt asked me to share...

"I love this tool! Pinterest is so valuable to any
type of business and is one of the truly untapped
goldmines online right now. Don't waste
valuable time trying to build your Pinterest cash
machine by hand. Use Mark's tool and start
getting results now!"

The tool I am referring to here is called
pinranker, you can check it out here...

...and between the tool and the training
provided, there is absolutely no excuse as to
why anyone cant become dominant with
pinterest and start raking in hoards of free

In fact I believe in this tool so much I am going
to through in a cool bonus here that will help
you even more with traffic.

If you sign up with this link...

I will first of all give you a copy of my newly
updated TrafficLaunchPad PRO (Yes, the pro
version which has a powerful upgrade coming
out tomorrow that makes this tools even more

PLUS... and this one is seriously powerful.

I will give you my entire "Mini Net" flow chart
that I used to absolutely crush it. I am just
updating this with a few more changes and will
get it to you by next week.

I have been working on this for a while and it
contains the exact system I give my outsourcers
for doing my link building. This is not an
in-depth training guide but rather a bunch of flow
charts that cover each level of the process.

I will also share a super powerful way to get a
full time person on this job for you for about $3
hr and they do awesome work!

PLUS (yes another one), Mark Dulisse, the owner
and creator has thrown in 3 more special
bonuses that are not available to the general

These are three bonuses that will help you kill
it on Amazon with Pinterest. Check them out to
see for yourself at...

To take advantage of this, all you need to do is
send you receipt (for proof of purchase) to...

...and mention in the subject "PinRanker Bonus".

Then give us a few days to double check
everything and by next week, you will have your
Pinterest account rocking and be more then
ready for implementing my mini net which will
get you even more traffic then ever!

URGENT - You MUST use this link to claim this.

Go check out this incredible tool now and start
taking full advantage of this crazy traffic

Jason Katzenback

PS. I am only offering my bonus to the first
50 people that sign up and the bonus Mark
included expires soon, so dont waste any time.

Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027

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