
mercredi 31 octobre 2012

Вашият приятел ... 1OO% ORIGINAL, NO Selling, NO Website And No Ads INVOLVED. GUARANTEED_Money. ... Ви препоръчва...


Вашият приятел, ... 1OO% ORIGINAL, NO Selling, NO Website And No Ads INVOLVED. GUARANTEED_Money. ..., Ви препоръчва да разгледате Антоний и Клеопатра в магазина ..::Megashop.BG::...



This system is not based around selling or
advertising - therefore competition means nothing.
It doesnt matter if one or one million people
do this - everyone can still earn as much as
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A straight-to-the-point money making system that works
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Completely unique - there is nothing else like this.
You will not find a system like this anywhere else
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Make thousands of dollars by using methods
that are so simple, and so incredibly obvious.

Pls do CLICK HERE to fine out.

Thank you and more power,
Denise A
Affiliate Marketer

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Paragraph (a)(c) of S. 1618.

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and i will rem0ve your email address in my emaillist
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Thank You

За да разгледате този продукт кликнете на следната връзка или копирайте адреса в браузера си:

С уважение,


mardi 30 octobre 2012

[NetAffiliation] Qualité du matériel promotionnel : donnez votre avis

Collectif des Plateformes d'Affiliation
 Performance et matériel promotionnel
Cher(e) partenaire,

Dans la dernière enquête réalisée par le CPA sur l'usage de l'affiliation par les
éditeurs, 40% des répondants indiquent ne pas diffuser un programme en
raison du manque de qualité du matériel promotionnel.

Afin de relayer vos besoins auprès des annonceurs, le CPA et Creafeel vous
proposent de prendre quelques minutes (7 questions) pour préciser vos attentes :
Je participe >
Le Collectif des Plateformes d'Affiliation et Creafeel
creafeel CPA

samedi 27 octobre 2012

Something very special for you [for current customers eyes only]

Hey Twitteruser ,

I have something VERY cool to share with you that
I think you are going to be extremely happy with.

I am going to give you some really cool stuff,
and this is only available to current customers
but there is a plan behind this, and I am going to
reveal that to you and why it is cool.

First of all, please understand that this initial
clarification of what's going on might not seem
to relate to you but trust me, it 100% does and
you are going to love what I am going to give

You may or may not know this, but in January, I
weighed in at 242lbs and was in the absolute
worse shape in my life. Then I started working
with Matt Clark on the amazing stuff, and he
revealed to me that his father runs a bunch of
successful clinics, and he could help me.

Out of pride, I wanted to say no but what Matt
did is he put together a guide for me to follow. It
was basically a summary version of his dads
system with key things to focus on.

The result is now I sit here at 192lbs, and I am in
the absolute best shape in my life.

Because of that, Matt and I decided to create a
health product (with his father) that teaches this
exact thing to others, and this is where we need
your help but are going to reward the heck out
of you in return.

What I am asking for you to do is to use your
ClickBank ID and purchase the product with your
own id. Now just so you know, I do have
permission from my ClickBank Apex manager
Jenny Cole to do this, because it is not against
the TOS for product owners to request this. What
is against the TOS is for non product owners to
request this. Since we (the product owners) are
requesting this, you have permission.

What this means is that you are going to get
access to this powerful system for only $10. The
reason is we provide you with a 75%
commission, so instead of $47 and by
subtracting ClickBank's fees, the end cost will be
(47 - ($1 + (7.5% x 47)) x 0.25 = $10.62.

Now just to make this even more worthwhile,
because I am pretty sure a lot of you do not
need to lose weight or want anything like this,
we are throwing in five insane bonused

1. My recent (October) list of indexed moderated
blogs that accept comments. This list is created
by my team and contains only sites that are
worthwhile to use because they are not full of
spam. This is very powerful and I also reveal the
exact steps, I recommend you use at these sites.
I also include some .EDU blogs in here too :)

2. Copy of Matt's powerful "App/Kindle Training
Webinar" - This has absolutely nothing to sell
and is 100% content that shows exactly how Matt
went from start to finish for creating a top
iPhone app. Matt has been able to generate a
huge mailing list from this app and has already
had enquires from investors. A very interesting
model and it is different from what others are
teaching for using apps.

3. Kindle Secrets - This is a call (again no
promotion) that Matt Clark did with James Jones
and is insanely powerful for anyone who has
even the remotest interest in using Amazon's
Kindle platform.

4. Webinar Marketing Secrets - This one alone is
absolutely worth at least $97. This was created
especially for a bonus like this and is not
available anywhere else. This is a very powerful
no nonsense and no fluff interview that with two
guys who have generated over a million dollars
each this past year, thanks to webinars. If you
are thinking about using webinars to grow your
business, you want this!

5. Access to my powerful new tool "Domain
Auction Hunter". This is a cross platform tool
that is still in beta but is very close to release. I
will be charging $47 for this but will give it to
you. This tool makes finding auction domains an
absolute breeze. These are non expired domains
that hold a lot of authority and are so easy to
rank with. This tool is still a couple of weeks
from release, but you will get it as soon as it is

6. Live Call with Matt Clark and myself on the
entire process used from start to finish with this
product and are next step plans. Learn from our
mistakes and benefit from our experience.

Warning - we are only making this offer for
either the first 150 people or until Tuesday at
4p.m. eastern. So once either 150 are gone or
the time is reached, this is being pulled, so don't
miss out.

Here is what you need to do to take advantage of
this opportunity.

1. Add your CBID to this link (replace "[CBID]" with
your id)...


2. Using that link, purchase the product. There is
a delayed buy button, but it only takes a few
moments to show up. If you do not want to wait,
then once you go on the sales page and let it
load (to ensure you are cookied with your id), go
directly to...

3. Once the order is processed, email with the following

1. Order #
2. Name on Order
3. Email used on order

Once we confirm that, we will then send you
details. Please allow up to 24 hours to confirm
and get back to you (not including the weekend.

Thanks for the help,
Jason Katzenback

PS. Just a clarification, the initial order will be $47,
but with the commission off the sale, you will end up
only being out of pocket $10.

Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

vendredi 26 octobre 2012

Online Sweepstakes Result.

Wood Lane, London W12 7RJ,
United Kingdom.
Confirm Winning:

Dear Lucky Winner,

It is apparent that this notification will come to you as a surprise but
please find time to read it carefully as we congratulate you over
your success
in the just concluded and official publication of results of the e- mail
electronic online Sweepstakes organized by The BBC One National Lottery in
conjunction with the British Government and the London 2012 Olympic Committee
held on Wednesday October 24th 2012 here in London.

A Draft of £1,263,584.00 GBP (One Million Two Hundred and Sixty Three
Thousand, Five Hundred and Eighty Four Pounds Sterling) will be issued
in your
name as one of the lucky winners.

It is important to note that your award was confirmed and released with the
following Winning particulars attached to it.
(1) Winning No: 01 10 19 36 47 48
(2) Bonus No: 11
(3) Draw No: 1757

For Validation Purpose, Forward The Following Information as Listed Below and
Send to this
Office through (Mrs. Lindsey Watson):
.Residential address:
.Full Names:

Mrs. Jenni Falconer.
Lottery Presenter General,
BBC One National Lotto.

OverBlog - Traduisez votre blog grâce à Flavius

Cher OverBlogueur,

Il y a quelques mois nous vous présentions le projet européen Flavius, auquel OverBlog participait. Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que Flavius est à présent à votre disposition, et vous permet de rendre votre blog multilingue et ainsi d'élargir votre audience à l'international.

En quelques minutes, vous obtenez une première version traduite automatiquement de votre blog, que vous pouvez ensuite réviser vous-même. Votre blog est ainsi accessible aux internautes internationaux via les moteurs de recherche.

Découvrez Flavius !

Bon blogging ! Happy blogging ! Viel Spaß beim Bloggen ! Buen blogging ! Buon blogging !

L'équipe OverBlog

jeudi 25 octobre 2012

[PDF] Google now slapping YouTube videos

Have you heard about the YouTube slap?

You haven't?

That's because it *doesn't* exist!

It never will.

You see, YouTube videos continue to get TOP rankings on
Google (because Google won't *slap* it's own child).

If you want to tap into YouTube and get your slice, this new
PDF is required reading.

This PDF shows you at least 15 ways to boost your results, get
higher rankings and more free traffic from YouTube.

** Note: You will see a case study from a guy (Mike P.) who got
11,109 hits to a totally el-cheapo (blurry) video in a *really* tiny

This proves that you don't have to be a video ninja to get good

Click Here To Download The YouTube Traffic PDF Now

Once you opt-in, the PDF download link is actually underneath
the video tutorial. I missed it at first too and wanted to let you know.

Talk to you soon.

Jason Potash

Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

lundi 22 octobre 2012

Did you see this yet? Last chance...

Real quick. Wanted to make sure you saw this invitation.

I am always testing new traffic sources. Lately, I found that
this is the best source of free traffic and leads (and money)

... plus, it's real easy to get started and not a total pain
in the a-- like using Google!

Go here (nothing to buy) to see how you can take full
advantage of it.

Talk to you soon.

Jason Potash

P.S. This is free info, but also time-limited (for real). Be sure
to get it. Click here before the deadline expires on the page.

Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

dimanche 21 octobre 2012

Kindle money HACKS (free access inside)

I thought I knew a lot about making money with
Kindle books... but I just got *schooled* by these
two hot shots.

Put away your wallet. There's nothing to buy.

Click here to get FREE access...

About these 6 Kindle hacks...

This is new, fresh Kindle 'intel' that you can use
to get better results in less time.

Go check it out now before your competitors do.

Talk to you soon.

Jason Potash

P.S. 99.9% of all Kindle publishers have no clue
that these "legal hacks" even exist. I sure didn't. That's why
you really should go see this...

Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

vendredi 19 octobre 2012

Job Vacancies At Caltex Oil Ltd

Interested candidates should forward their resumes/CV (Specifying position of interest) with verifiable reference(s) as word attached document to: E-Mail:

Yours Sincerely
Zbavitu Recruitment Consultants

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mardi 16 octobre 2012

[NetAffiliation] NetAffiliation et Swelen se rapprochent pour créer le groupe Kwanko


KwankoNetAffiliation et Swelen
se rapprochent pour créer
le groupe Kwanko

Le nouveau groupe a pour ambition de devenir un acteur incontournable dans le secteur de la publicité online, web et mobile.

NetAffiliation, leader de la publicité à la performance, et Swelen, pionnier de la diffusion publicitaire sur mobile, ont choisi d'unir leurs compétences pour proposer une nouvelle expérience en matière de publicité en ligne.
Cette opération permettra à Swelen de bénéficier de la dimension internationale et de l'assise financière de NetAffiliation. De son coté, NetAffiliation fera l'acquisition du portefeuille d'actifs technologiques tels que les procédés de ciblage à forte valeur ajoutée développés par Swelen.


• Kwanko : pionnier de la publicité multi-canal à la performance

Cette acquisition stratégique constitue un levier de croissance majeur pour le nouveau groupe. Avec une offre performante, multi-canal, et immédiatement disponible sur le web et sur le mobile, Kwanko a pour ambition de devenir un acteur majeur de la publicité online en Europe et sur le continent américain.

A l'issue de l'opération, le groupe accueillera les fondateurs de Swelen au sein de son actionnariat, et détiendra la totalité du capital de la jeune startup. Le comité de direction de Kwanko sera constitué de la direction de NetAffiliation et intègrera les membres fondateurs de Swelen.

Le nouveau groupe associe des savoir-faire complémentaires :
- Une qualité de service reconnue dans la gestion des campagnes publicitaires et la relation éditeurs-annonceurs
- Des technologies d'analyse comportementales innovantes fondées sur des algorithmes permettant d'optimiser l'efficacité de la diffusion publicitaire
- Une expertise forte dans les environnements web et mobile

• La performance sur le web et sur le mobile : un duo gagnant

La technologie de Swelen permet aux annonceurs d'optimiser les performances de leurs campagnes mobiles grâce à des procédés de ciblage avancés et des outils de suivi des conversions en temps réel. Elle permet ainsi aux marques d'atteindre leur cible plus facilement et aux éditeurs de maximiser leurs revenus publicitaires.

Les entités du nouveau groupe profiteront ainsi d'une forte synergie, tant au niveau technique que commercial, avec une cible potentielle de plusieurs milliers d'annonceurs pour les campagnes mobile en France et à l'international.


Swelen est spécialisée dans le développement de technologies publicitaires mobiles. La startup propose notamment un AdExchange reposant sur une plateforme d'AdServing issue de plusieurs années de R&D. Fondée sur des algorithmes d'intelligence collective, elle permet d'optimiser l'efficacité des campagnes publicitaires. La technologie publicitaire de Swelen est utilisée par la plupart des régies mobiles et des grands éditeurs français. Quelques références : PMU, Samsung, Coca-Cola, RATP, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Nestlé, 3 Suisses, BNP Paribas, PokerStars, LG, La Poste Mobile, Crédit Mutuel, McDonald's


À propos de NetAffiliation

Créée en 2003, NetAffiliation est une plateforme d'affiliation comptant 150 collaborateurs. Leader sur le marché européen, son chiffre d'affaires est croissant depuis sa création atteignant aujourd'hui les 40 millions d'euros. NetAffiliation propose aux annonceurs de bénéficier d'un réseau de 100 000 sites affiliés prêts à relayer leurs campagnes online à travers le monde.
Quelques références : Vodafone, La Redoute,, Décathlon,, Cetelem, Swisslife,


dimanche 14 octobre 2012

Weird niche makes $1,319 in 3 days [video]

Hi Twitteruser
Just wanted to remind you about the presentation
on Tuesday that will be presenting a guy doing 
killer with weird little niches like...
- bible verses
- smiley faces
- and even mouse cursors
If you can NOT attend, but WANT the replay, you 
MUST at least register to get the recording
and handouts.
You're gonna love this one,
Jason Katzenback
P.S. the results you will see on the webinar are his 
real personal results and he will share exactly how he does it.

Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Salut, comment vas-tu?

View this email as Webpage

Salut, c'est Léa, comment vas tu aujourd'hui?
Moi ça va plutôt bien...

Comme je t'ai promis j'ai bossé dur pour te
mettre cette deuxième méthode sur une page web.

Avec cette second méthode, tu vas pouvoir
gagner entre 15 et 49€ chaque jour et par
site soit environ 150 euros de plus par jour.

"Pourquoi gagner moins de 50€ par salle ?"
est une question qui revient souvent!
Je dirais simplement que plus te fera
remarquer par les paramètres du logiciel,
alors croyes moi et prend ton temps.

Voilà, n'hésites pas si tu as des questions

Il te suffit de cliquer ici>>>

A bientôt


To remove yourself from this distribution please visit manage subscription to start the process for email deletion.

10 rue du Versaille Paris, France 95000

vendredi 12 octobre 2012

Killer Success With Weird Niches Like Bible Versus [crazy but true]

 Hi Twitteruser!
I have got a completely awesome
training presentation for you,
scheduled for next Tuesday at
3p.m. eastern, and if you are
struggling to get any consistent
revenue going at all (or very
little), you will NEED to be here...
If you want to get the recording
and more important any of the
handouts or prizes...
You MUST register to attend!
I will ONLY be sharing the
recording with people who register.
Have an incredibly successful day!
Jason Katzenback
PS. This is a very easy and quick
way to make it work online, you
will love the material!

Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

jeudi 11 octobre 2012

[replay] World of Google Updates - What's Working Now and What Is Not!

Hey Twitteruser...

Just posted the replay of the webinar from yesterday.

Just so you know there is absolutely no selling and jsut
2 hours of fantastic information, covering the following

- On-page Optimization (not business as usual)
- Anchor Text (keywords are a no no)
- Get Social (likes, shares, comments PLUS Open Graph)
- Video (do not think of it as optional anymore)
- Promotion Roll Out Plan (recommended steps)

If you did register for the webinar, then you will receive
a second email tomorrow that contains a few extra downloads,
plus instructions on how to enter the contest.

If you did not register, sorry... better register for the
webinar next time :)

Have an amazing day!
Jason Katzenback

PS. OK, I feel like being generous! If you are still reading
this email, then if you go to the post and leave a comment
in regard to something you like about the webinar
(you need to be logged into your Facebook account to
comment), I will select two random people to get access
to our

Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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lundi 8 octobre 2012

World of Google Updates - What's Working Now and What Is Not!

Hey Twitteruser...
Just wanted to send you a friendly reminder about 
the the training presentation I am hosting on 
Tue, Oct 9, 2012 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT.
"World of Google Updates - what's Working Now
and What Is Not! "
On this call, I am going to share about...
A. New rules of link building (no theory but what
I know to be working)
B. On-page optimization (its not business as
usual anymore)
C. Social signals (not just likes... but comments
are critical)
D. Video (its not optional anymore)
If you are interested in getting in on the call or
getting the recording, you must...
Have an amazing day!
Jason Katzenback

Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

dimanche 7 octobre 2012

Viagra + Cialis = Discount Pack !!

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Best quality drugs
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jeudi 4 octobre 2012

[NetAffiliation] Les Dream Days Monnier Frères sont lancés


Invitation: Your Urgent reply pls.

Your Urgent reply pls.

torsdag den 4. oktober 2012
8:00 - 9:00 (GMT+00:00)
Good Day to you.

My name is Mrs Nadesh MATO, and I am a banker. It is true that we have not met each others in person, but I strongly believe that no trust, no friendship in every business. I have a deceased customer's pending fund, which I am his personal financier adviser before his accidental death, that being the main reason why I alone working in the bank here, know much about the existence of this fund and the secrets surrounding this money. But before I disclose the full details to you, I will like to know your interest and willingness to assist me by reverting back to me with your :

Private Email ID……………


Private Phone no………………. for further confidential details about the said fund.

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

Please Reply Me Through This Email Address (

Mrs Nadesh MATO.

mercredi 3 octobre 2012

Overdue Information You Need (we are in crazy times)

Hey Twitteruser...
I have two great things to share with you :)
1. I am holding a webinar (no selling, I promise)
that I am calling...
" World of Google Updates - what's Working Now
and What Is Not! "
On this call, I am going to share about...
A. New rules of link building (no theory but what
I know to be working)
B. On-page optimization (its not business as
usual anymore)
C. Social signals (not just likes... but comments
are critical)
D. Video (its not optional anymore)
The call is on Tue, Oct 9, 2012 3:00 PM - 4:00
If you are interested in getting in on the call or
getting the recording, you must...
2. There is a brand new and extremely awesome
WordPress theme that was just released, and I
highly encourage you to check it out. I am not
one to usually recommend WordPress themes, as
most of them are really just the same thing with
a different name for the options. This one,
however, is different.
How so?
Well, if you want to do any selling (affiliate or
direct) on your blog, then take two minutes and...
There are some awesome bonuses too!
(Two of which are not announced on the page)
They are...
1. Traffic Player, Advanced version
2. WP Optin Pro
3. Webinar on "How To Create Amazing Sales
pages and Membership Areas In Record Speed"
4. Webinar on the "Exact Formula To Put
Together A Sales Video Presentation". This
formula (and it is a formula) has generated over
$500k in one week with one video.
Honestly (and I am not just hyping anything up
here)  the bonuses are totally worth it... 
The first two I already own and use, and the
other two are just really cool.
Make sure to check out the DEMO LINK on this
page to see what I am talking about, because it
is really too powerful to explain it in a simple
You will be AWEFULLY GLAD you did. :)
So please, make sure you register for the
webinar (no selling, just awesome sharing)
And check out this new theme...
Have an amazing day!
Jason Katzenback

Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

mardi 2 octobre 2012

From the Desk of Margaret Buchanan President and Publisher of Enquirer Media

Having trouble reading this email? View this email as a web page.


Activate your Digital Account

    Last night we transitioned to our new Full Access subscription plan on our digital devices for computer, tablet and mobile websites.

    Today is a great opportunity to step back and reintroduce you to some of the most important and popular features available through our print and digital platforms, to introduce you to some new features and products we are launching this week and to some content we hope you will enjoy.

    We'll have the largest team of writers and photojournalists with the Reds on the road and at home.

    We can't wait for you to experience a seven-part serial story by Krista Ramsey. We're not going to give anything away, but we can promise you it's provocative.

    We are with presidential candidates as they campaign around the state. We are preparing primers on dozens of races and issues in Ohio and Kentucky to help you prepare to vote early or on Nov. 6. We will publish those in print and allow you to customize your own ballot using our Build Your Ballot tool at and .

    We have some new stories for you in our popular Passion for Place series. Monday, we introduced two new series. Inspired Locals will introduce us to the people who are creating things for the betterment of our community - artists, entrepreneurs, foodies, social activists. Sunday in Forum we will introduce Ideas in Action, essays by people who are taking personal action in the spirit of leadership and big ideas.

    Last week, we introduced our new Things To Do and Dining sites.

    We are excited to introduce, our new history website. We know that in our region history lives and breathes and everything really does come back around. So we're going to dig into the Enquirer's 170 years of archives and join with partners in the community to remind us how our region's history shaped who we have become and how it affects the decisions we are making for the future. It will be fun.

    An app, a Things to Do app, and an iPad app is now available in the app store that will create a great full-screen experience for our photos and videos. Search in the app store to find all of them.

    We are making a change to the home page of and so you can choose how you want to see our stories. The headlines in Top News on the home page reflect our editors' choices of the most important and interesting local news of the day. Today's Updates is simply all the news we've posted in the last 24 hours, from most recent to oldest. And Today's Paper let's you look at the local headlines that were in each section of the morning newspaper.

    You can read our e-Newspaper, an exact replica of the print edition.

    All of that is available with your new full access subscription. Click here to activate your subscription account to get the full benefit of your digital access. And if you don't yet subscribe, click here to get started.

    We are committed to producing content that continually addresses your needs. We will provide unique local content seven days a week. We vow to increase our watchdog and investigative journalism and to cover more of the issues reflecting your passions. Other enhancements will become apparent in the coming months - including a new Enquirer print edition, full color comics seven days a week, new news sections and further advancements in our digital sites and apps.

    We do this seamlessly across all the devices you would expect - from home delivery of the print edition to news and information on your computer, tablet and mobile sites, and tablet andsmartphone applications plus access to our e-Newspaper, which is an online replica of the print edition.

    We have been planning these changes for some time and we are truly enthusiastic about our direction. We are proud of the work of our employees and admire their passion for serving the community.

Margaret Buchanan is president and publisher of Enquirer Media. Contact her at

Learn more about the changes happening at Enquirer Media. Click Here for a Fun Video!

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