
lundi 19 avril 2010

Alerte Google - Justin Bieber & twitter

Alerte Google Blogs : Justin Bieber & twitter

Justin Bieber speaking french + singing With you by chris brown ...
par ngasal
Okaay, some people said " he's looking at the camera" or "he looked? into the camera alot" .. Its because i met and spoke with him before the concert (: and we were in the first row soo.. (: Also, follow on twitter _Thesabrina please, i'll follow you back ! ... @SmilexBitches Loool i luv justin bieber And i luv ur name SmilexBitches its VERY funny lol i dunno y? 3 Wierdos901 April 20, 2010 at 6:40 am. HESS SOOO HOT. 4 Savana1015 April 20, 2010 at 7:11 am ... - ngasal :-) -

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