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samedi 29 septembre 2012
Fwd: Alerte boursiere
Marche/Bourse: Frankfurt Stock Exchange
Prix actuel: .74 EUR
Prix cible: 1.30+ Euro
Note: 10 sur 10
Nous avons le plaisir de vous communiquer cette Alerte de Situation Speciale concernant une petite entreprise echangee sur la Bourse de Francfort, SecurLinx Holding Corp (S8X). Non seulement ses titres s'echangent a moins d'un euro, mais l'entreprise elle-meme a remporte d'impressionnants contrat avec l'etat dans la logistique et la securite, c'est pour cela que nombreux sont ceux qui estiment qu'il s'agira du PROCHAIN GRAND BOOM ! La Biometrie Douce incarne le prochain Grand Boom de la surveillance
Ce nouveau concept est similaire a un moteur de recherche internet, mais au lieu de rechercher des sites internet, cette nouvelle fonctionnalite permet aux utilisateurs d'effectuer des recherches parmi un grand nombre de videos, en obtenant des resultats bases sur des donnees biometriques douces telles qu'une estimation de la taille, la couleur de la peau et des cheveux, les vetements et tout autre caracteristique qui fait qu'une personne se distingue d'une autre. SecurLinx Holding Corp se positionne sur le marche de "l'intergiciel" pour ces types de systemes et bien d'autres.
Le logiciel de Securlinx pour les equipements de securite de biometrie est indispensable a un fonctionnement efficace des equipements biometriques et sert de connexion entre le dispositif biometrique et son PC ou son serveur. Naturellement, la croissance du marche de la biometrie a ouvert un plus grand marche pour les intergiciels/logiciels de biometrie et SecurLinx Holding Corp (S8X) est pret a profiter au maximum de ce boom.
Faites des recherches des maintenant sur SecurLinx Holding Corp (S8X), echange sur la Bourse de Francfort. Une operation facile que vous pourriez faire des maintenant en transformant un investissement de 5000 euros en vrai machine a sous pour la prochaine decennie. N'attendez plus, faites des recherches sur SecurLinx Holding Corp (S8X).
dimanche 23 septembre 2012
Huge (hidden) free traffic source
traffic-getting source 2 years ago.
But lately, it's been working like gangbusters!
Best of all, Google loves this too.
It's not Amazon, YouTube, Pinterest or anything
like that...
Want to know how I'm CRUSHING IT and
getting loads of traffic, leads and making
sales without spending a dime?
Go download this now (no cost) and get my blueprint
to see what I'm doing -- *how* I'm doing it -- so you
can tap in too.
Talk to you soon.
Jason Katzenback
Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027
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samedi 22 septembre 2012
Download my new book FREE (*only* Sat, Sun, Mon)
only free for the next three days on Amazon. Hope
you are not too late.
You can check here to see if it's still available...
What's this book all about?... you getting more
free traffic (and money) from "the squid".
Do you remember that site (Seth Godin's brainchild)
called Squidoo?
Many people have forgotten about it. But, lately has come back LARGE and is
dominating the search engine results once again!
Now it's perfect time for you to start tapping in.
I just put together a detailed, step-by-step book
top rankings by harnessing the power of Squidoo.
Feedback has been great so far. I think you will
really like it too. :-)
Go get the book here while it's still available.
Have a good weekend!
Jason Katzenback
P.S. If you got some great tips from the book, I
would really appreciate it if you leave a comment
and feedback here.
Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027
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dimanche 16 septembre 2012
Good Things are Happening at Photobucket
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jeudi 13 septembre 2012
Are 'they' the new Google?
is rapidly catching up.
No. It's not Facebook or mobile.
Is this the sleeping giant that could eventually
de-throne big "G"?
To get details and how you can tap in, go here.
Talk to you soon.
Jason Potash
P.S. Don't know about you... but I've watched some
sites go up and down like a Yo-Yo on Google
these past few months, That won't happen once
you use this traffic source. It's like Google back
in the good ol' days of 2001 before they got all
cranky and over-protective. Go see what you
are missing out on.
Our records indicate that twitteruser at requested and
confirmed to be added to (business name) at
Date: April 8, 2010
Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027
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mercredi 12 septembre 2012
I'm looking for A God Mind investor if you are real call me
The Executive Director of the Central Bank
Burkina Faso: Ouagadougou
Tel: +226
As explained to you above, my name is Dr.Henry Joseph Amozi , the new Director of
the Central bank Burkina Faso . I was instructed by our Government
to pay all our
owed foreign contractors/inheritors who have not yet receive their funds
because of one reason or the other. In the process of paying the
beneficiaries, I came across a fund file valued the sum of US$57 Million as an
unclaimed funds that has no beneficiary neither next of kin.
My reason of contacting you today is to seek for your assistance to enable me
transfer these funds into your bank account and I will offer you 40% of the
total amount for your assistance, while 60% is for myself. I want to inform
you that i will use my money and position to perfect all the approval transfer
documents of this fund in your name and favor as the legal and the rightfu l
of this fund before transferring this fund into your chosen bank account.
It is 100% risk free but requires much trust from you as I will not like to be
disappointed after receiving it into your account. Please contact me on this
and your account details for this transaction because of the confidential
nature of this deal;
down to sgin all the approvers documents which i will arrange everthing in your name
with the lawyer who will stand on your behalf,the truth is this as you are going to
be the beneficary of the fund you must come and sgin, if only you will promise me
that you will be able to come down to sgin the releases of the fund in your name,
I will send you more details after hearing from you positively. call me +226 77 00 1662
Tel: +226
You want ALL my Kindle-money secrets? Download here...
this to his list and I thought you'd want to know about it...
Go here or keep reading to get more details ...
This is a total bargain. Highly recommended.
BTW, that's *not* an Affiliate link (... if it was I'd make a
WHOPPING $2 commission on this. I am totally serious).
Talk soon.
Jason Potash
From: Matt Clark
Date: Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 3:10 PM
Subject: You want ALL my Kindle-money secrets? Download here...
(and shocking) was coming down the pike.
Well here it is...
I am not going to hype this up or anything.
If you have even the *slightest* interest in how to use Kindle
books to get a lot of traffic, leads and make money, then
I am practically giving away this information.
(and no... "giving away" doesn't mean it's $97 or even
By the way, this is not some *flimsy* watered-down 30-page
report either.
Once you see everything I'm giving you here (including 3
bonuses even), you WILL be amazed.
It's time to really shake things up!
Go here and see for yourself...
Talk to you soon.
P.S. You already know that Kindle book publishing is the
hottest opp you've seen in 3 years. BUT... very few people
actually know what the heck they are doing. Look at the
screenshot here to see the kind of results I'm getting
time-and-time again. I'll show you how you can do it too
once you follow my 7-step system. It works. Get it here.
You still reading this? Go check it out. :)
confirmed to be added to (business name) at
Date: April 8, 2010
Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027
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mardi 11 septembre 2012
Invitation: My Dearest One
- Hvornår:
- mandag den 26. juni 2006
21:00 - 22:00 (GMT+00:00)
- Fra:
- Meddelelse:
- My Dearest One,
I am writing this mail to you with tears and sorrow from my heart. With due respect, trust and humanity, i appeal to you to exercise a little patience and read through my letter, I wish to contact you personally for a long term business relationship and investment assistance in your Country so i feel quite safe dealing with you in this important business having gone through your remarkable profile, honestly i am writing this email to you with pains, tears and sorrow from my heart, i will really like to have a good relationship with you and i have a special reason why i decided to contact you, i decided to contact you due to the urgency of my situation, My name is Miss Dalila Kipkalya Kones, 23yrs old female and I held from Kenya in East Africa. My father was the former Kenyan road Minister. He and Assistant Minister of Home Affairs Lorna Laboso had been on board the Cessna 210, which was headed to Kericho and crashed in a remote area called Kajong'a, in western Kenya. The plane crashed on the Tuesday 10th, June, 2008.
You can read more about the crash through the below site:
After the burial of my father, my stepmother and uncle conspired and sold my father's property to an Italian Expert rate which the shared the money among themselves and live nothing for me. I am constrained to contact you because of the abuse I am receiving from my wicked stepmother and uncle. They planned to take away all my late father's treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Father. Meanwhile i wanted to escape to the USA but they hide away my international passport and other valuable travelling documents. Luckily they did not discover where i kept my fathers File which contains important documents. So I decided to run to the refugee camp where i am presently seeking asylum under the United Nations High Commission for the Refugee here in Ouagadougou, Republic of Burkina Faso.
One faithful morning, I opened my father's briefcase and found out the documents which he has deposited huge amount of money in bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I travelled to Burkina Faso to withdraw the money for a better life so that I can take care of myself and start a new life, on my arrival, the Bank Director whom I met in person told me that my father's instruction/will to the bank is that the money would only be release to me when I am married or present a trustee who will help me and invest the money overseas. I am in search of an honest and reliable person who will help me and stand as my trustee so that I will present him to the Bank for transfer of the money to his bank account overseas. I have chosen to contact you after my prayers and I believe that you will not betray my trust. But rather take me as your own sister.
Although, you may wonder why I am so soon revealing myself to you without knowing you, well I will say that my mind convince Ed me that you may be the true person to help me. More so, my father of blessed memory deposited the sum of (US$11.500, 000) Dollars in Bank with my name as the next of kin. However, I shall forward you with the necessary documents on confirmation of your acceptance to assist me for the transfer and statement of the fund in your country. As you will help me in an investment, and i will like to complete my studies, as i was in my 1year in the university when my beloved father died. It is my intention to compensate you with 30% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my capital in your establishment. As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above. I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely.
AWAITING YOUR URGENT AND POSITIVE RESPONSE, Please do keep this only to your self for now un till the bank will transfer the fund. I beg you not to disclose it till i come over because I am afraid of my wicked stepmother who has threatened to kill me and have the money alone ,I thank God Today that am out from my country (KENYA) but now In (Burkina Faso) where my father deposited these money with my name as the next of Kin. I have the documents for the claims.
please for more informations & details kindly contact me in my e-mail address
Yours Sincerely
Miss Dalila Kipkalya Kones.
lundi 10 septembre 2012
From the Desk of Margaret Buchanan President and Publisher of Enquirer Media
[NetAffiliation] Intervention prévue sur la plateforme NetAffiliation mardi 11 septembre
dimanche 9 septembre 2012
I am impressed (sweet system that works)
I have to admit I was wrong and this actually
impressed me VERY much!
Instead of trying to explain it in an email, check
out this short video I made that explains what I
am talking about.
This system I was shown is very detailed and
pretty much will work for anyone!
Check it out...
You will be really impressed by the video player I
Have a great week!
Jason Katzenback
Got Twitter? Then Follow Along With Us @
Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027
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vendredi 7 septembre 2012
[NetAffiliation] Partners Finances: votre hausse de rémunération en e-mailing
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